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Links take the user to another screen, or to a specific part of the current screen.


Use the class ts-text-link to apply the default Teamshares Design System link style to text. For link text on a dark background, use ts-text-link-light.

Teamshares is an employee ownership platform for small business, driven by proprietary software, education, and financial products.
Teamshares is an employee ownership platform for small business, driven by proprietary software, education, and financial products.
<div class="ts-body-1">
  Teamshares is an <a href="#" class="ts-text-link">employee ownership platform</a> for small business, driven by
  proprietary software, education, and financial products.
<div class="dark-background">
  <div class="ts-body-1 ts-text-light">
    Teamshares is an <a href="#" class="ts-text-link-light">employee ownership platform</a> for small business, driven
    by proprietary software, education, and financial products.
  | Teamshares is an
  a.ts-text-link href="#"
    | employee ownership platform
  | for small business, driven by proprietary software, education, and financial products.

    | Teamshares is an
    a.ts-text-link-light href="#"
      | employee ownership platform
    | for small business, driven by proprietary software, education, and financial products.

Set the href attribute on sl-button to make the component render an <a> under the hood. This gives you all the default link behavior the browser provides (e.g. CMD/CTRL/SHIFT + CLICK) and exposes the target and download attributes.

Use variant="text" on sl-button to display a low-emphasis plain text button that looks more like body copy. Note that text buttons have no backgrounds, borders, or padding.

Download statement

Open statement
<sl-button variant="text" size="small" href="/assets/images/wordmark.svg" download="shoelace.svg">
  <sl-icon slot="prefix" library="fa" name="arrow-down-to-bracket"></sl-icon>
  Download statement</sl-button>
<sl-button variant="text" size="medium" href="" target="_blank">Open statement
  <sl-icon slot="suffix" library="fa" name="arrow-up-right-from-square"></sl-icon>
sl-button variant="text" size="small" href="/assets/images/wordmark.svg" download="shoelace.svg"
  sl-icon slot="prefix" library="fa" name="arrow-down-to-bracket"
  | Text
sl-button variant="text" size="medium" href="" target="_blank"
  | Text
  sl-icon slot="suffix" library="fa" name="arrow-up-right-from-square"

See Button for full sl-button specs.